Core business

LUNEX is a fast-growing, dynamic Institution operating in Sports and Health.

LUNEX is part of Luxembourg’s incredibly advanced innovation ecosystem, which comprises exceptional industrial policies, diversified funds, research support, and high-end facilities and infrastructures.

Research at LUNEX connects and crosses the domains of

  • Sport performance assessment and enhancement
  • Prevention, Training  and Rehabilitation
  • Sport Management via Innovation and Digital Transformation
  • Nutrition and dietetics
  • Corporate Health

LUNEX aims to leverage research outcomes to generate a positive social impact from a scientific and economic point of view. Our research activities provide a framework of excellence in the research landscape of Luxembourg and beyond. Our multidisciplinary and impactful approach is nurtured by an extensive collaborative National and International network across the above domains.

Products & services

LUNEX Research teams, operating in their domains of expertise,  support public and private entities with research projects and consultancies aiming at:

  • Market expansion and new market reach
  • Products and processes development and innovation
  • Strategic plan development, management and governance
  • Continuous professional development and upskilling

Major HealthTech projects

LUNEX national and international projects impact the Health and Sports sector, focusing on:

  • Innovations for well-being via physical activity improvement (FNR-funded projects on fall prevention in the seniors’ community, tracking the physical activity level of the general population in Luxembourg)
  • Innovations for brain health and perceptual-cognitive-motor performance (FNR-funded project on central nervous system diagnostics and training across the lifespan in the Luxembourgish population using exergaming technology)
  • Innovations in the field of motor recovery and clinically feasible motor assessment (FNR and EU-funded projects on machine-learning systems for motion analysis and robotic-based training)
  • Sports performance enhancement via neuroplasticity-inducing sensory-motor and cognitive training (German Federal Sports Research Institutes funds)
  • Improvement in sports governance and sports inclusion for communities (ERASMUS Sport+ funds)

Technical / technological capabilities

LUNEX is equipped with high-end innovative technologies in the rehabilitation field as a sensorised treadmill for clinically feasible motor assessment and a novel training device providing selective muscular-tendon stimulation with square wave mechanical-sound vibrations. Such solutions aim to accelerate physical activity’s functional recovery, inducing sensory-motor and cognitive improvements to speed up recovery from an injury or training impairments of motor functions.

Treadmill and cycle ergometers combined with modern spirometry and blood analysis systems allow cardio-vascular and respiratory assessment and monitoring in elite sports and rehabilitation fields. LUNEX is equipped with high-density EEG systems, neurocognitive assessment tools and state-of-the-art exergaming technology to test and train the central nervous system, improve sports performance, and counteract age-related cognitive decline.

Main customers / collaborations

LUNEX holds international inter-institute agreements with around 30 Universities worldwide and partners with 13 major international Institutes of Sports and Rehabilitation.

LUNEX holds an International project partner list of 27 members from major Sports Organisations, Sports Ministries, and sports-focused Universities and Foundations.

Looking for

Collaborate with public and private entities interested in Health, Management and Sports to:

  • improve lifelong health and well-being via physical activity and a healthy diet
  • foster sports inclusion and participation
  • sustain innovation and digitalization in sport management
  • promote health, well-being and performance in working life

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We care, you succeed, join the LUNEX experience


Prof. Dr Andreas Mierau
Dr. Matthias Afting

Creation date




Organisation type


Certifications & qualifications

LUNEX University of Applied Sciences (Établissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Spécialisé) is accredited in Luxembourg by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education.
LUNEX is accredited by the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy as a Research Institute.

Trading area



50, avenue du Parc des Sports
L-4671 Differdange


Prof. Alessandro M. De Nunzio, PhD


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